Profile PictureMeechu


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Introducing Wraith.

With over 10 months of work dedicated to a single project, this is my most ambitious avatar yet, and it could not have been done alone.

In light of this, I have collaborated with JustSleightly in order to make something truly never seen before in VRChat.

Cinematic ShowcaseFeature Showcase

For PayPal only purchasers, please reach out on Discord for manual assistance.

art by: WackyJo

Package Tiers

Below is a breakdown of each package's offerings. Review carefully to choose the option that best meets your needs.

For a detailed feature comparison chart between individual prefabs offered on each tier, click here.

This project could not have been done without these awesome people who contributed their time to help.

Special thanks to:
Zekk - (Shader and VFX)
Jellejurre - (Unity Testing Assistance)
Jay.Jay. - (Unity Testing Assistance)
Surrealness - (Sound Design)
Laz - (Coordination and Photos)
Dyzzy - (Showcase)

I'm grateful for the people who put up with me even on my worse days. Those who supported me either directly contributing to the avatar, or as great friends keeping me company.

Wraith's Outfits

Wraith almost feels like three avatars in one. Choose between each outfit with unique toggles and customization for each.

Armor Outfit:

Street Outfit:

Secretary Outfit:

Wraith's BoxCutters

Wraith's bladed weapons have many gesture-based functions, featuring custom SFX, VFX, and world interactions.

  • Flip the blades between the default reverse grip or the forward grip
  • Extend the blades out and fire disposable blades from the end that stick into world colliders
  • Use motion controls to slash the air
  • Create sparks by colliding with world surfaces

Wraith's Hoverboard

Combine Wraith's boxcutters together to transform into a hoverboard that can be ridden/controlled.

  • Step on the Hoverboard to ride it whether in Desktop, 3-4pt Tracking, or Full-Body Tracking
  • Use laser pointers to direct the Hoverboard around remotely like a follower
  • Allow other players to ride the Hoverboard and direct them around with your laser pointer
  • Perform tricks with the Hoverboard, whether you're riding it or someone else is

Wraith's Torrent

Wraith's hand cannon features a variety of gesture-based functions and unique animations.

  • Spin the gun dynamically around your finger like a gunslinger
  • Flick the gun open/closed via motion controls, or hit it open/closed with your opposite hand
  • Dump out the gun canister into the world when reloading with realistic physics
  • Reload the gun by conjuring energy in your opposite palm that flies into the gun canister
  • Fire at world pickups to push or knock them over interactively

Wraith's Extra Features

Wraith's kit includes a diverse range of unique features and abilities.

Custom Dash Particles

  • Integrated with GoGoLoco to engage when jumping and moving in any direction


  • Dissolve in and out of translucent cloaking, or even go invisible entirely

Helmet System

  • Grab and drop your helmet in the world
  • Swap your mic to emit your voice from the dropped helmet instead of your head
  • Convey expressions on the helmet that mimic your facial expressions
  • Toggle the dimness on the helmet visor to see your face at close distance

Custom AFK Pose

  • Automatically take a seat on Wraith's Hoverboard when stepping into reality

Additional questions?

if you have any unanswered questions, click below or create a support ticket on discord.

Frequently Asked QuestionsDiscord Server





FaceTracking Unity:

All PC Hairs:

Quest Hair:

Makeup Texture:


Weapon Slash:

Custom VFX/Shaders:

Memory Optimizer:

Terms Of Use

Please dont share this package with anyone, 1 Wraith package per purchase.

Do not upload this avatar as public. This is a paid avatar and should be private.

Any assets made by me on Wraith, can only be used on personal projects, not commercial projects.

Any assets i did not create are credited above, you must purchase those assets yourself if you wish to use them.

I do not do uploads, you are expected to have the basic unity knowledge of uploading a vrchat avatar when purchasing this product.

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Avatar Statistics (PC Full)

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Skinned Meshes
Physbone Affected Transforms
Physbone Collision Check Count
Particle Systems
Total Particles Active
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